Hello everyone,
I wanted to give an update about everything going on since I got that weird pamphlet with the weird script. The words that are written on it and erased again are definitely from Maria. The weird script itself however, is something else.
I am not the best at desciphering it so I need some help with that. And while that is going on I have been on the lookout for other hints. Die witte wieven zijn allemaal hetzelfde
I feel myself drawn to a particular part of the woods where Maria took her dog a lot. I liked to go with her on her walks where she often talked about all the trips she wanted to make and where she wanted to explore the world. Doorschijnend, kil en ze doen alsof ik iets verkeerds heb gedaan
While I was walking in the woods yesterday morning, it was a bit foggy. The many little rivers and bodies of water will often fog up the ground here. So there was no surprise there. What I did find odd were the many dots of light that hung at a weird height. First I thought the lights were from people's phones, trying to see better. But when I came closer to the lights, there were no people. I have heard of myths about floating lights, but I am not someone who believes in those things. Even now I have seen the lights I do not think it is something supernatural. Mostly some trick of the light with water droplets or something.
However, next to the weird lights the fog behaved oddly. It was swirling like mad, even though there was barely any wind.
De mist vult
mijn hoofd.
zinkt weg
onder mijn voeten
en opeens
open ik mijn ogen
onder een
groene hemel.
De sterren schijnen onder een vreemde hemel
Alles smaakt zout.
De grond, het water,
het eten,
alles is zout.
Veel te zout
voor mij
om te overleven.
Zij zorgt voor mij, maar
Ze kent
mij niet.
Ik ken haar niet.
Ze heeft een zachte tred, alsof ze niets weegt.
Alsof ze met een windvlaag weg kan worden geblazen.