Yellow Sun Sisterhood ranking

See the horns that show us the portal to paradise.
See the crown that sits on His head.
We follow Him, who shows us in dreams
the way to the promised land.
If you join us, you can grow into different roles. All of them are important and needed to have the sisterhood working smoothly. 

We will introduce the different roles from high to low.






The Priestress

The priestress is the link to our god Kludde. She dreams the route to paradise, gives us the new rules that Kludde tells her and gives us hope. Kludde only chooses women to become the Priestress, because of their deeper dream connection.
To come closer and make herself tune into Kludde's messages more clearly, the Priestress requires to stay out of the daylight and eat only the holy parts of the food. She wears the colour of the sun of paradise, yellow and gold. They eye of mist is bestowed to the current priestress and hangs around her neck when she comes out of her tent to tell us the newest commands of Kludde. Like the Dreamers she wears the chains of sin. When Kludde finds it due, she can declare a chain to be removed or added. This way she can keep track of the scale that weighs all our sins.




The Dreamers

Below the priestress are women with the gift of profetic dreams. They are in line to become the next priestress when the old priestress is taken up by Kludde to be His wife before paradise. They wear the blue robes of the sky of the promised land. If one of the followers has succeeded all the tiers and shown the gift of profetic dreams, they immediately will be promoted to the rank of Dreamer. Around their necks the Dreamers wear the chains of sin. 



The Mist chasers

The Mist chasers are an important rank in the sisterhood. Mist chasers can be of any gender, although most will throw off their personal gender. They try to predict the weather and discuss the shortest way to get to the portal. They also govern the lower layers and keep maps of the world, keeping track of the path to paradise. Mist chasers wear white robes and proudly have the eye of mist on their brow. 




The Mushers

The role of Musher gives you the power to enact on the rules. They are not afraid to make their hands dirty and they stay close to the Mist chasers. Within the Mushers you can be promoted to become a Mist chaser through 4 tiers. Mushers can be recognized by their red robes and the number of arm bands on their right arm tells the rank within their role.







The Followers

If you start in the Sisterhood, you are first a follower. You will help out with the manual chores and travel with the other mates. You will also be asked to spread the message of Kludde to your friends and family. We want to make sure as many people will reach paradise as possible. You will go through 13 advancement levels before you can be promoted to the role of Musher or even directly to Mist chaser. 

The 13 levels of advancements are named the following:
                level 0: grauwkes
                level 1: hansjop
                level 2: hus
                level 3: aardman
                level 4: barlemanje
                level 5: dunater
                level 6: eunjer
                level 7: galgenjong
                level 8: kladdegat
                level 9: koolhaas
                level 10: marolde
                level 11: oeger
                level 12: stalkaars

You can see the rank of the follower by the number of rope necklaces around their neck.

What to expect

Everyone who joins us has their own, individual growth within the sisterhood. Some will learn faster and release their sins faster and therefore rise through the levels faster. There is no pressure to grow or reach a level by a certain deadline though. 
When you have joined the sisterhood, you have already accepted the travelling way. You have sold or given away your home that rooted you to this earthly place. You are given your place to sleep by the sisterhood and the first chores that will keep the sisterhood working. 
We accept anyone who believes in Kludde and paradise. Even if you can't walk you are able to travel with us. 
You are expected to keep up on your chores, attend the lessons and engage with your mates in the sisterhood. You follow the rules dictated by the priestress and try your hardest to decrease the sin that is weighed in the scale. 

We hope to welcome you soon.